Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology <p>This proceeding contains a collection of articles presented at the Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology</p> en-US (P3i Umsida) Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:53:02 +0000 OJS 60 The Resilience of the Samarinda Community in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Factors <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on some people in Samarinda City, but several other people have been able to get up and live their lives well. Such people are known as resilient individuals. Qualitatively different responses from one resident to another become interesting to study in the form of quantitative research. This study aims to describe the resilience of the people of Samarinda in the initial and current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic and to investigate the factors that are thought to affect the level of resilience. This research is a descriptive and exploratory study with cross sectional design. The sample of this research is 100 people who live in Samarinda. The research instrument used was a modified resilience questionnaire from Connor &amp; Davidson and Ginting (ɑ = 0.886). Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively (frequency distribution tables and graphs) and inferential (pairwise difference test and ANOVA test). The resilience of the Samarinda community in facing Covid-19 is classified as very high, namely 96% of respondents are in the very high category and 4% are in the high category with an average of 125.26. There was a significant increase in resilience between baseline and current conditions (p-value = 0.033). Demographic factors have a significant impact on community resilience (p-value = 0.003), namely the highest resilience is in Sambutan sub-district and the lowest is in Samarinda Kota sub-district. Qualitatively, most respondents have principles / values ​​to be resilient in facing a pandemic. The principle / value is mostly taken from the value of religiosity</p> Yoga Achmad Ramadhan, Anwaril HamiDY Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Wed, 10 Feb 2021 12:39:12 +0000 Distance Learning (PJJ) For Elementary School Teachers: Challenges and Wisdom <p>The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic require changes in the learning system to be carried out at all levels of education. Learning was initially carried out face-to-face in class, replaced by online learning. These changes require teachers to adapt the learning they have compiled with the online learning system. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of teachers in distance learning (PJJ) during the pandemic. This study involved elementary school teachers who used online learning methods during the pandemic. This type of research is a phenomenological qualitative method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews on three elementary school teachers obtained through purposive-sampling technique. The credibility of the data in this study was achieved by triangulating the data collection methods using interviews and observations. This research reveals that distance learning activities during the pandemic are carried out using learning applications such as zoom, whatsapp, youtube. The teacher also conducts a home visit to see the progress of the students' learning while at home. In delivering learning materials, the teacher compiles learning designs, makes video-making scenarios as learning material. The lesson from this PJJ is that teachers get opportunities to be creative and innovative in designing learning activities, by arranging interesting lessons, in order to increase children's independence in learning during a pandemic. However, in learning activities, teachers face obstacles such as teachers not getting a quota subsidy for doing PJJ, complaints of parents who have difficulty in assisting children's learning, and student saturation in the learning process without face to face directly. As a result, the learning target could not be achieved 100 percent as planned. To achieve learning targets, it is necessary to cooperate with all parties to achieve optimal learning.</p> Wahyu Mahardika Indrayanti, Kanti Wahyuning Suci, Duhita Maduraras, Nanik Prihartanti, Sri Lestari Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Wed, 10 Feb 2021 13:16:29 +0000 Increasing Mental Health Literacy in Families as Preventive Efforts to Increase Cases of Mental Disorders <p>Gunung Anyar Health Center has the problem of the high number of patients with early symptoms of mental disorders but the lack of resources available to treat these patients. The problems faced by this puskesmas will be resolved if the community, especially starting from the family, has more knowledge about mental disorders that may occur, making it easier to work with. The aim of the program is to increase the knowledge of health cadres about mental health. The method of implementing psychoeducation and mentoring for health cadres is done online by utilizing online communication media. Measurement of mental health literacy is carried out using the Mental Health Literacy Scale. The results of the analysis show that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores, so there is no increase in literacy after the intervention. This is partly due to the participants 'barriers to using gadgets and the participants' inactivity during activities.</p> Tri Kurniati Ambarini, Atika Dian Ariana Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Wed, 10 Feb 2021 13:45:19 +0000 Work-overload and Happiness in Generation Y Employees <p>In general, every company has certain targets that must be met by employees, high production demands and long working hours often make employees experience work overload. Even though employees who work must still feel happiness. Employees who are happy will feel satisfied and have high productivity at work. Therefore, happiness is important for employees who work overload. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work overload on happiness in generation Y &nbsp;production employees. This study uses a quantitative approach, with a causality model. The subjects of this study were 82 employees. The data collection technique is distributing questionnaires using the work overload scale of Tahir (2012) and the Happiness scale of Seligman (2010). The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and &nbsp;statistic analysis. Based on the results of simple linear regression analysis, it was found that there was an effect of work overload on employee happiness by 56.9% and the remaining 43.1% was influenced by other variables.</p> Tintin Supriyatin, Dadang Sahroni, Feri Indra Irawan, Haliilah Izzati Putri Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Wed, 10 Feb 2021 14:49:42 +0000 The Role of Family Function in the Quality of Life Related to Health in Poor Adolescents According to an Islamic Perspective <p>Poverty is a social problem that can increase the crime rate, and cause a lot of micro chaos in a country. In Islam, leaving poverty is an obligation. Adolescents who live in poverty are prone to experiencing physical illness at risk, depression, personality disorders, and are vulnerable to exploitation, violence and drug addiction. One of the precautions that can be done is to have a good family function. This study aims to find out how the Islamic perspective on the role of family functioning on the quality of life related to health among poor adolescents. This study uses a library research approach. The results showed that the effective functioning of the family in understanding the roles, rights and obligations of each family member in an Islamic perspective involves a comprehensive dynamic pattern where this pattern is related to the quality of life related to health, that is, each family member is physically, psychologically, healthy and healthy. social relations, educational environment, and cultivation of Islamic faith and attainment of the end of the world.</p> Seilen syahirah El-bagiz, Karimulloh Karimulloh, Melok Roro Kinanthi Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Thu, 11 Feb 2021 10:26:48 +0000 The Effect of Finding Nemo Film on Elementary School Students' Altruism <p>Many children today lack altruism. Altruism is very important for every child to have as the nation's successor. Myers (in Sarwono, 2002 :) altruism can be defined as a desire to help others without considering one's own interests. Teaching altruism from an early age is important to children because then they can become good people in the future. Given the individualistic attitude and bullying that is increasingly prevalent among elementary school children. One of the media used in learning is film media. Film media is part of learning so that students find it easier to understand the material conveyed through the screening of the film. Films are also educational in nature that are able to entertain so that they can easily convey material to students well. The film media is still an interesting medium for children. Film media is not only interesting to watch but also has learning that is contained in it. The film finding nemo is one of the works of film that still attracts children's attention and has social learning. The participants of this study were elementary school students who were the topic of attention in this study. The data from this study are of a narrative review in the form of comparing and seeing the similarities between several previous studies. The results of several studies that have been carried out are the success of the research with increasing altruism attitudes towards elementary school students. With the research that has been carried out, it can improve the attitude of altruism which is very important for elementary school students who show social attitudes.</p> Salman Japani, Wulan Jelita, Wulan Jelita, Qurratul Aeni Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 12 Feb 2021 13:28:08 +0000 Relation of Personality and Religiosity with Academic Motivation <p>This research is in order to find and improve the factors that play a role in improving individual academic motivation. Several factors such as personality and religiosity are associated with academic motivation. This study refers to several literatures, namely, Asghar Hazrati-Viar, (2012), the relationship between personality and academic performance, Abbott (2012) which shows a relationship and parenting style with good student academic achievement. There is a relationship between personality, religiosity, and student academic motivation. This research uses quantitative survey techniques with several measurement scales according to the variables to be measured, personality uses the Myers-Briggs test from Quenk (2009), religiosity with the RRHM scale from Herlina (2016), measurement of academic motivation from Vallerand (1992) . Distribution of questionnaires with online purposive sampling to 47 respondents who are international students (Asia, Middle East, Europe-America). Data analysis with correlation, independent t test. The result of this research is that there is a significant positive relationship between religiosity and student academic motivation with a correlation of 0.687 and there is a significant difference between personality types and student academic motivation. This research is expected to provide results for factors that support student motivation and academic achievement and can be a reference for efforts to improve student achievement in Indonesia and internationally.</p> Rizqi Maulida Amalia, Syariful Syariful, Faaiza Nabiela, Annisa Latifa Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 12 Feb 2021 14:06:01 +0000 Personal Growth in Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact throughout the world, including in Indonesia. One of the effects is on students, namely on the process of personal growth. Personal growth is a process of individual development in qualitative aspects, including ways of thinking, memory and ideas that can influence an action. Personal growth is a learning process in which a person grows and takes action from the environment around him. This study aims to describe the process of student growth during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research respondents came from 11 faculties at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS), consisting of 373 respondents (74%) women and 129 respondents (26%) men. The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that as many as 109 students (24%) felt anxious, 65 students (17%) felt normal, 63 students (14%) felt bored, 95 students (13%) felt sad, 40 students (11%) felt alert. and adhering to health protocols, 42 students (8%) felt annoyed, 29 students (5%) felt stressed, 19 students (4%) felt tired, 25 students (2%) felt mixed feelings, and 14 students (2%) ) feeling scared. The results of this study also show the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on student activities during the pandemic. The data shows that as many as 371 students (74%) filled the pandemic time by doing productive activities, such as developing hobbies, participating in competitions, helping parents and attending webinars. As many as 131 students (26%) did activities that were not useful or less productive during the pandemic, such as sleeping, lying down, playing on social media, going on vacation and hanging out with friends. It can be concluded that the majority of students experienced a growth process during the Covid-19 pandemic.</p> Riska Khairunnisa, Divendra Aqsha Machdavikia, Lusi Nuryanti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sun, 14 Feb 2021 03:01:40 +0000 Family Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Study <p>The COVID-19 pandemic that has been taking place since the end of 2019 has brought many changes for many families. Families in the pandemic era are required to carry out all activities at home. This causes unclear boundaries between work and roles in the family which can increase distress in the family. This study aims to see how efforts to build family resilience in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. The method in this research is a systematic literature study. The literature study uses articles from the 2020 range published in PsycNet, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, and Google Scholar. The characteristics of the articles reviewed were English-language articles, the study participants were families, and focused on family resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 6 articles on family resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic met the inclusion criteria. The results show that journals discussing family resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic are still limited. However, from this review literature study, it can be seen that the resilience of parents in the family can affect the resilience of other family members (their children). Each family member has an important role in it to build resilience during a pandemic. Resilience in families during this pandemic can be built with several activities, for example, jointly carrying out physical activities and spiritual activities in the family. Resilience in the pandemic era plays an important role in the psychological well-being of families. More research into resilience in more specific families is needed now. In addition, further research can develop programs that function to increase family resilience in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> Retno Herfinanda, Aprilia Puspitasari, Laksmi Rahmadian, Veronika Sakti Kaloeti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sun, 14 Feb 2021 03:51:41 +0000 Student Mental Health Interventions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Study <p>Students are reported to have encountered various challenges during the pandemic, including the boredom of learning from home and the demand for optimal learning outcomes which resulted in the high prevalence of mental health problems among students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this, various studies have emerged regarding intervention programs to improve mental health in students. This study aims to conduct a systematic literature on the effectiveness of various interventions given in improving mental health in students. The method in this research is a systematic literature study. The literature study uses research articles from the 2020 range published in Scopus, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Scimago, APA PsycNet and EBSCO. The characteristics of the articles reviewed were English articles, the study participants were high school and university students, experimental research design, and focused on interventions to improve mental health in students. The results of the 8 articles reviewed show that students who get the potential intervention can reduce mental health problems so that they can prevent anxiety to depression. There are various interventions used to improve the mental health of students during a pandemic including individual interventions in the form of coping strategies, digital-based interventions and educational environmental interventions. Mental health-based interventions can be an alternative to help students reduce mental health problems during a pandemic. Research on mental health-based interventions is needed at this time, especially by considering family support factors, ease of access, and factors within individuals, so that an integrated method of intervention is needed. Future research needs to dig deeper into the impact of long-term interventions and various mental health intervention methods on students.</p> Purwanti Harini, Ayu Kurnia, Siti Yuanah, Veronika Sakti Kaloeti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 15 Feb 2021 03:32:19 +0000 Patience and Adjustment to New Santri at Pondok Pesantren Manba'ul Hikam Sidoarjo <p>Adaptation is a process of individuals who are constantly trying to find, cope with stresses, and challenges in life that involve mental responses and human behavior in an attempt to overcome urges. These drives are an impulse to need from within. This study aims to determine the relationship between patience and self-adjustment of the new students of Pondok Pesantren Manba'ul Hikam Sidoarjo. This research is a type of quantitative research with a correlational approach. The population of this study was the new santri of Manba'ul Hikam Sidoarjo Islamic Boarding School, with a sample of 102 new students who were taken using saturated sampling technique. Methods of data collection using a Likert model of psychology scale, namely the scale of patience (35 items, a = 0.945) and a scale of self-adjustment (31 items, a = 0.892). The data analysis used is the analysis with Pearson Product Moment correlation technique using the SPSS 20 for windows program. The results showed a positive relationship between patience and adjustment to new students at the Manba'ul Hikam Islamic Boarding School Sidoarjo with a correlation coefficient of 0.147 with ρ = 0.040 (ρ &lt;0.05). The correlation coefficient value shows that there is a significant positive relationship, meaning that the higher the patience, the higher the adjustment. Conversely, the lower the patience, the lower the adjustment. Patience provides an effective 3% contribution to adjustment.</p> Nurul Umroh , Effy Wardati Maryam Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 15 Feb 2021 04:33:58 +0000 Grit as a Solution for Academic Stress in Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on the education sector, where the learning system is switched from conventional to online. This creates academic stress on students because they are required to adapt to the new system. Grit is a suggestion as well as a solution that can be applied during the online learning system because grit is assumed to be able to reduce academic stress in students. The purpose of this literature study is to provide solutions as an effort to reduce academic stress in the face of online learning during the COVID19 pandemic. The results of the literature review found that individuals with high grit will focus, persevere and never give up on all situations faced, so as to prevent students from experiencing academic stress.</p> Nurfaidah Ardis, Mira Aliza Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 15 Feb 2021 05:31:58 +0000 Learning Experience of Adjustment Duration in Online Learning (Descriptive Studies in Students) <p>One of the effects of the pandemic is that lectures that were initially face-to-face have been converted into online lectures. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning experiences on the duration of online lecture adjustment for students. The sample in this study was taken using a quota sampling technique with a total of 100 respondents who were active students consisting of 14% state campus students and 86% private campus students who were conducting online lectures. This research is a study with a quantitative descriptive approach. The results showed that 48% of respondents can adjust themselves within 1 week, while 52% of respondents need &gt; 2 weeks until now. Students who have easier self-adjustment abilities are due to already having online learning experience before the Covid-19 pandemic and an online lecture system that is effective enough to be implemented during the pandemic, while students are more difficult to adjust due to several constraints&nbsp; such as network limitations, internet quota, and difficulty understanding lecture material and did not have online learning experience before the Covid-19 pandemic.</p> Mieke Irmades Aurel, Ayu Annisa, Dimas Agiel Fachriandi, Nurul Aiyuda, Auliya Syaf Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Tue, 16 Feb 2021 02:53:12 +0000 Students Seeking Help Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The concerns felt by students during the COVID-19 pandemic made students need support and support from the surrounding environment. Social support is needed to strengthen students mentally in overcoming the various stressors they are facing. This support can come from parents, family, peers, and other closest people. This research is based on the many students who are still embarrassed to seek help or seek help when they need it. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of seeking help from students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out using an open questionnaire. The participants in this study were 534 students from the Muhammdiyah University of Surakarta who came from 11 different faculties who were randomly assigned. The results of this study indicate that as many as 495 students need support. The forms of support needed are: emotional support as many as 244 students (45.6%), material support as many as 116 students (21.7%), and moral support as many as 107 people (20%)</p> Merri Suharweny, Fenita Wahyuningtyas, Prajna Anindya, Ajeng Nova Dumpratiwi Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Tue, 16 Feb 2021 03:14:13 +0000 Steps to Respect Training: Kindergarten Teacher Competency Development Program to Prevent Student Bullying Behavior <p>Nowadays bullying behavior is often raised by children in the process of daily social interactions, including interactions that occur at school. Teachers as a substitute for parents in schools have a significant role in dealing with student bullying behavior, both from the perspective of victims and perpetrators. This study is aimed at increasing the competence of kindergarten teachers to prevent student bullying behavior by increasing their knowledge and skills in handling cases of student bullying through training activities. This study used a quantitative approach, involving 26 participants who were kindergarten teachers. Training activities consist of several methods including (1) Education and training, (2) Roleplay, (3) Pre-test and post-test of knowledge and skills, and (4) Field assignments. The data in this study were processed using the SPSS ver. 26 for Windows. The results of the study showed that training was able to significantly improve the knowledge and skills of kindergarten teachers, as seen from the two-tailed sig value p &lt;0.05. The results of this study have the potential to be used as an effort to optimize the competence of kindergarten teachers in preventing student bullying in Indonesia.</p> Herdina Indrijati, Endah Mastuti, Rhajiv Nur Ilham Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Tue, 16 Feb 2021 03:32:08 +0000 Peer Counselor Training for Prevention and Curation of Bullying Behavior among Adolescents <p>The prevalence of bullying among adolescents is getting higher these days. This behavior arises because of a lack of literacy about bullying behavior and inappropriate attitudes towards bullying behavior itself. To reduce the prevalence of bullying among adolescents, it is necessary to hold interventions, both as a preventive and curative effort. This study aims to see how effective peer counselor training is as an effort to reduce the prevalence of bullying behavior in adolescents against changes in the level of knowledge and attitudes about bullying behavior. This study used a quantitative approach, involving 26 participants (male = 4, female = 22) aged 15 to 18 years. The peer counselor training activity itself consists of several methods including (1) Education and Training, (2) Display, (3) Roleplay, (4) Focus Group Discussion, (5) Field assignments, (6) Pre-test and post- test, and (7) Dissemination of knowledge and skills to other students. The data in this study were analyzed using the SPSS ver. 26 for Windows. Through this research, it is proven that peer counselor training can significantly increase knowledge and form a more negative attitude towards bullying behavior, seen from the two-tailed sig score p &lt;0.05. The results of this study have the potential to be used as an effort to reduce the prevalence of youth bullying in Indonesia.</p> Herdina Indrijati, Veronika Suprapti, Rhajiv Nur Ilham Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Tue, 16 Feb 2021 03:50:07 +0000 Divorce in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era: An Integrative Study <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increased family interactions. Some families use this opportunity to improve relationships between their family members. However, increased family interaction can also result in increased conflict which can lead to divorce. Divorce that occurred during this pandemic was not only caused by one factor. Financial problems that are exacerbated by the mental condition of an individual before the pandemic will have a heavier impact on that individual than other individuals whose mental condition is more stable. Unhealthy attachment (attachment) to a partner also increases the risk of divorce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Promotional, preventive, and curative actions need to be implemented to address the issue of divorce. Social media can be a forum to promote the importance of maintaining family quality during a pandemic. The ease of providing information and the ease with which people can access makes social media the right platform. Then, preventive action that can be taken is to hold education in the form of family-themed seminars. This online seminar is expected to reach many people from various regions and is expected to increase public awareness of the issue of divorce. In the divorce process, couples also need to be guided to solve their problems through positive communication and also pay attention to the child's mental condition.</p> Hastinia Apriasari, Kanza Qotrunnada, Farah Mahsheed Al-Jannah, Zafira Amani Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Tue, 16 Feb 2021 04:38:21 +0000 Social Well-Being in Student Social Media Users <p>Social well-being is a person's achievement to face social roles in their environment. Social well-being is very important for every individual, especially for students because students are intellectual candidates or young intellectuals who will be the nation's successor who will have various predicates. Social well-being is one of the welfare that students want because of the demands of an increasingly sophisticated technology. This study aims to determine the description of social well-being and the factors that influence social well-being among students using social media. This researcher used a qualitative method with a phenomenological type, using two student subjects aged 18-30 years, male and female who actively use social media. Determination of the subject using purposive sampling, data collection methods in the form of interviews with both subjects. The results showed a picture of social well-being among students using social media in the form of social acceptance, social actualization, social relations, social contribution and social integration. It also shows the factors that support social well-being among students using social media, namely social support, social participation, social attitudes and social contacts.</p> Hardaning Prayacita , Effy Wardati Maryam Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 19 Feb 2021 05:48:57 +0000 Social Support for Families Tested Positive for Covid-19 <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has led to changes in life in families and communities. Anxiety engulfs all elements of society, including those infected with the virus or positive for Covid-19. This study aims to find out how social support is for families who are tested positive for Covid-19. Using the phenomenological qualitative research method, the informants in this study were 11 people living in cities / districts in Central Java with the criteria of individuals who themselves or their families had tested positive for Covid-19. Data collection was carried out using an open questionnaire via google-form aimed at finding out how social support is to families who have received a positive Covid-19 verdict. Data analysis using content analysis. The research was completed on November 25, 2020, with the result that social support has an important role in helping strengthen families who have tested positive for Covid-19 in living their days, both morally and materially. In addition, forms of social support obtained from neighbors include emotional support (asking for news, giving encouragement), instrumental support (meeting basic needs, household needs and medicine), information support (disinfecting and closing road portals), and some tend to be indifferent. Meanwhile, forms of social support obtained from colleagues include a supportive attitude not to isolate and keep encouraging, help with administrative needs, provide logistical and financial assistance, and there are also those who have negative opinions regarding Covid-19 which causes hoaxes.</p> Zulfa Rahmatina, Galuh Ayu Nugrahaningrum, Ambarwati Wijayaningsih, Susatyo Yuwono Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 19 Feb 2021 06:19:55 +0000 The Effects of Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance on the Meaning of Life in Early Adult Individuals with Divorced Parents <p>The condition of an individual who has divorced parents will affect the meaning of his life. The mean of individuals who live with divorced parents can be influenced by how individuals forgive and accept their circumstances. This study aims to look at the relationship of forgiveness, self-acceptance of the meaning of life in individuals who have divorced parents. The sample of this study was 53 individuals with divorced parents. The researcher using a scale of self-acceptance, a forgiveness scale, and a scale of the meaning of life. The research hypotheses are: (1) there is an effect of self-acceptance on the meaning of life, (2) there is an effect of forgiveness on the meaning of life, and (3) there is an effect of self-acceptance and forgiveness simultaneously on the meaning of life. The results of this study are that there is an effect of forgiveness on the meaning of life and simultaneously with self-acceptance it affects the meaning of life of individuals who have divorced parents. This research is expected to be a reference for scientific studies on individuals who have divorced parents.</p> Farra Anisa Rahmania, Kahfi Hizbullah, Syarifah Na’imi Anisa, Hepi Wahyuningsih Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 19 Feb 2021 07:01:06 +0000 Student Health Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic College Student Health Literacy During The Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic continues, so people have started looking for information about COVID-19, including students. Students seek information about the pandemic from various media and the information they are looking for is varied. The purpose of this study was to investigate how student health literacy search behavior, especially regarding the media most widely used to search for pandemic information and the type of information that students are looking for. The research method is descriptive quantitative analysis by providing a scale in the form of an online survey using Google Form. This study also uses the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS). Research respondents were 534 students of the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) who came from eleven faculties. Based on data from respondents, the three most widely used media to find information are television, social media, and internet browsing. Meanwhile, what is less widely used are journals, information from other people, news, and seminars. The topics most sought after by students were information on the development of the COVID-19 case, how to prevent it and the characteristics of being infected with COVID-19, areas of spread, and search for the COVID-19 vaccine. The results of this study can be used as a basis for designing effective COVID-19 pandemic education, especially for students.</p> Eternity Chitra Adelweis, Afiffa Halila Nurchayati, Lusi Nuryanti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 19 Feb 2021 07:37:03 +0000 Relationship between Body Image and Student Confidence at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Taman <p>This research was conducted because of the phenomenon of low self-confidence in some students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Taman. This study aims to determine the relationship between Body Image and Self-Confidence of students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Taman. The population in this study were 298 students and the total sample was based on the Isaac and Michael tables with an error rate of 5% as many as 161 students with the sampling technique proportionate stratified random sampling. Research data collection uses 2 psychological scales namely, body image scale and self confidence scale. The research hypothesis is that there is a positive relationship between Body Image and Self-Confidence. Research data analysis using correlation Product MomentPearson. The result of the analysis show that the research hypotesis is accepted, body image has a positive relationship with self-confidence. The more positive the assesment of body image the higher the students self-confidence, conversely the more negative the assessment of body image the lower the students self-confidence. Assessment of body image has an effect of 11,1% on student self-confidence.</p> Fatma Dwi Cahyani, Dwi Nastiti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Fri, 19 Feb 2021 09:54:42 +0000 Parenting of Parents Working from Home During the Pandemic <p>The Covid 19 pandemic has the consequences of changing life in the family. One of them is activities from home, both working (work from home) and learning (learning from home). This study aims to determine how child care for parents who work from home. Using phenomenological qualitative research methods, the informants were targeted to be 16 people spread across several districts / cities in Indonesia with the criteria of working parents and having children. The data collected by using an open questionnaire via google-form is intended to find out how parents manage the work they have to do from home with the task of caring for their children. Through descriptions of various informants' backgrounds, comparisons based on age, domicile and type of work will also be identified. The research is planned for completion on November 20, 2020. The results showed that the influence of the role of parents is very large for child development. One way of caring for children during a pandemic is by creating quality time with children by accompanying children to study at home and also doing things that are liked by children in order to get rid of boredom.</p> Dinda Pertiwi Salsabila, Sekar Ayu Aisyah Putri, Zidni Ilma Nafia, Susatyo Yuwono Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sat, 20 Feb 2021 03:58:42 +0000 Behavior Seeking Psychological Assistance to Students of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang <p>Mental health problems in Indonesia are still not widely handled. Students are considered to be a segment that is prone to mental health problems because they are experiencing various changes and role transitions towards maturity. Untreated mental health problems will result in decreased productivity and barriers to achieving their potential, both for sufferers and their families. One of the things that affects the management of mental health problems is the behavior of seeking psychological help, in which many people do not know where to get psychological help and there are various psychological barriers to seeking help. This study aims to determine the behavior of seeking psychological assistance among students of the Sultan Agung Islamic University class of 2018, a total of 692 people obtained through cluster sampling. This research instrument is a questionnaire which aims to find out 1) what is done for the first time when facing a problem, 2) a figure who is asked for help when facing a problem, 3) knowledge of where to meet a psychologist, and 4) a willingness to tell a problem to a psychologist. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that 38.1% of respondents tried to solve the problems themselves, the figures who were asked for the most help were family, close friends, and Allah / ustadz, 67.3% of respondents did not know where to find a psychologist, and 43% of respondents hesitated to share the problem with a psychologist.</p> Diany Ufieta Syafitri Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sat, 20 Feb 2021 05:30:11 +0000 Students 'Coping Stress During Pandemic Covid-19 <p>This year the entire world, including Indonesia, was in the covid-19 pandemic situation. This situation requires people to change their habits to prevent the spread of covid-19. Changes in habits were also made among university students by means of home-study activities. The change in habits brought various pressures of life. The study aims to identify: (1) stressful in the lives of students engaged in home-study activities, (2) ways that students overcome those stresses (coping with stress). A study subject of 534 respondents in various faculty groups. Research methods with a descriptive quantitative, data-collection strategies with survey techniques, human-sampling techniques. The study revealed that students had problems during the covid-19 pandemic: covid-19 (29.02%), online lectures (17.57%), social interaction (17.37%), financials (3.55%), hoax information from both online and existing media (4.8%), and psychological (0.93%), as well as those of no problem (2.9%). In addressing the problem the majority of students use a variety of methods: emotional problem coping (88.4 %), focus pocoping (10.9 %)&nbsp; and (0.58 %) students who feel inadequate to deal with the pressure thus require further treatment. This research is expected to be a reference and a basis for making preventive and promotive interventions for students during this pandemic.</p> Dayinta Suci Sejati , Alfian Fajar Budi Nugroho, Deani Nugroho Sekaresti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sat, 20 Feb 2021 07:24:06 +0000 Subjective Well-Being in Working Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review <p>COVID-19 has a huge impact on the well-being of mothers who have to work during the pandemic. This condition makes each individual forced to work from home or with other alternatives to reduce the chain of the spread of COVID-19 and also have to meet all dependents at home. This situation certainly has a psychological impact on a mother, one of which causes a decrease in her psychological well-being. Therefore, the aims of this article are 1) To describe the subjective well-being of a mother working during a pandemic, 2) To find out the approaches that can be used to increase maternal subjective well-being during a pandemic. Using the literature review technique, it was further explored through PubMed, APA, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect. Articles are selected in the category of original articles, in English and Indonesian with publication in 2020 and research methods by online surveys or other data collection and have subjects on working mothers. Of the 35 articles found, there were 8 articles that met the criteria. The results of the study found that the subjective well-being condition of working mothers has decreased, such as satisfaction in work or family and dilemmas in her role as a mother. Strategies that can be used to increase this are by using stress coping: regulation of emotions, maintaining online communication, limiting thoughts or activities that refer to negative self-assessments and replacing them with positive activities such as sports. This finding is expected to be an alternative solution for subjective well-being on mothers who work during a pandemic.</p> Bekti Wulandari, Kholifah Umi Sholihah, Tazkiya Nabila, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sat, 20 Feb 2021 08:05:20 +0000 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Reduce Student Academic Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic <p>The pandemic COVID-19 has made many changes to life community systems. The educational system is one of its. The effect of the pandemic, made the schools must use the online system. The online system has been the worst effect, such as a stress academic. Strategy to solve that problem is appliying the social-emotional learning (SEL) method to reduce a number of academic stress. This study aims to give a solution to face an online learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used a literature review to get some journals about social-emotional learning (SEL). The result found that social-emotional learning has been contributed to learning activities by appliying the five components of social-emotional learning (SEL) are meliputi <em>self-awereness, social-awareness, self-management, relationship skill </em>dan <em>responsible decision making</em>. Therefore, the teachers, students, and parent important to have a deeper understanding of social-emotional learning (SEL)&nbsp;</p> Baiq Sandiati Yuliandri, Hariz Enggar Wijaya Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sat, 20 Feb 2021 13:14:13 +0000 Sincerity and Happiness of Students in Yogyakarta <p>This research was done to known the relationship between sincerity and the level of happiness of college students in Yogyakarta. This research use quantitative method approach. The subjects in this research consisted of 154 students from various universities in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. In this research, data collection used the Sincerity Scale from Chizanah and Hadjam (2013) to measure sincerity and the Happiness Scale from Seligman (2005) to measure the level of happiness. The data analysis technique used is non-parametric statistical analysis. The results of this research indicate that there is a positive relationship between sincerity and happiness in college students. This is in accordance with our hypothesis that there is a relationship between&nbsp; sincerity and happiness.</p> Aura Nabila, Nasywa Aiko Putri, Stana Nafisah, Fuad Nashori Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sat, 20 Feb 2021 14:27:31 +0000 The Level of Anxiety of Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on in Indonesia for eight months. This has a big impact on society, one of which is on the mental health of students. This condition results in students having to do distance learning, so that all activities are carried out online. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of anxiety experienced by students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study took students of the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta from 11 different faculties with a total number of 530 people. Data was collected by online survey using google form. The measuring instrument used to determine the level of anxiety is the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale). The results of this study were: 254 students (48%) had normal anxiety, 95 students (18%) had mild anxiety, 138 students (26%) had moderate anxiety, 38 students (7%) had severe anxiety, and 5 students (1%) had very severe anxiety. From the results of this study it can be concluded that during the Covid-19 pandemic the majority of students had normal and moderate levels of anxiety.</p> Astrid Dinda Wahyu Ilahi, Visalia Rachma, Worohayun Janastri, Usmi Karyani Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sun, 21 Feb 2021 06:19:55 +0000 Student Compliance in Doing Health Protocols during the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The Covid 19 pandemic has spread throughout the world and has been going on for almost a year, but no cure has yet been found for the disease. The vaccine is not ready for production. Efforts to reduce the spread of the Covid 19 virus recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) are to implement strict health protocols, including washing hands with soap, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds of people. However, there are still many Indonesians who have not complied with this protocol, including students. This study aims to explore the adherence behavior of students to health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. Respondents in this study were 502 students of the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) from various faculties. Respondents consisted of 374 female respondents and 128 male respondents, obtained through the simple random sampling method. Data were collected using a closed questionnaire. The data analysis method used is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that as many as 404 students (84.5%) obeyed in wearing masks, 365 students (72.7%) obeyed in washing hands, and only 21 students (4.2%) obeyed in maintaining distance. Based on these results, it can be concluded that student adherence to health protocols still needs to be improved, especially in the behavior of maintaining distance from others in daily activities. The results of this study can be used as a basis for preparing educational programs for the public about health protocols, especially for students.</p> Arina Rufaida Lathifa, Faiza Kamalia, Fadlillah Pradandira Putra, Lusi Nuryanti Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sun, 21 Feb 2021 06:57:01 +0000 Counterproductive Behavior (PKP) Among Indonesian Students. Study of Sex Differences <p>Counterproductive behavior has been largely researched in the workplace and in Western countries. This study is related to counterproductive academic behavior among Indonesian students. PKP is a major problem in educational institutions around the world. One of the reasons students do PKP is because it can increase their happiness or pleasure and please certain parties. But unfortunately it hurts more parties. PKP consists of various types of behavior, (i.e., cheating, plagiarism, truancy, absenteeism, plagiarism, fraud), breaking rules, breaking / breaking rules, low effort, and misuse of resources) misusing resources. A sample of 453 Indonesian students from several academic institutions reported the frequency of their counterproductive academic behavior (PKP). PKP measurement uses a scale of 20 questions with two answers: Yes and No. Descriptive analysis was carried out to understand the data. The results showed that out of 453 participants, only 26 students had never practiced counterproductive academic behavior. As found in previous research, there are differences in academic counterproductive behavior based on gender. Conclusion: religious values ​​and moral values ​​taught in colleges and schools have not been well internalized and male students were more counterproductive than women.</p> Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro, Erita Yuliasesti Diah Sari, Khoiruddin Bashori Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sun, 21 Feb 2021 07:22:33 +0000 Islamic Counseling to Increase Self-Acceptance of Foster Children at Darul Hadlonah 1 Boyolali Orphanage <p>A traumatic event such as the death of the father allows the child to blame himself and feel that he is different from other people. Losing a father figure also affects children in terms of courage to take risks, lack of initiative, and tend to experience anxiety. The purpose of this study is to establish a diagnosis based on in-depth information analysis and the application of appropriate interventions so that problems can be resolved. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely the intrinsic case study type. The research subjects were selected purposively with the characteristics of adolescents aged 11-19 years, male sex, living in the Darul Hadlonah 1 orphanage, Boyolali. To obtain detailed and in-depth data, data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews, non-participant observation, and psychological tests, namely graphic tests (DAP, BAUM, HTP), WAIS, Wartegg, SSCT, and EPPS. The data were then analyzed using data collection techniques, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The results of the analysis show that effective Islamic counseling can increase the subject's self-acceptance. Quantitatively, the pre-test self-acceptance scale showed a score of 17 which was classified as a bit low and after Islamic counseling the subject's self-acceptance score increased by 7 points. Qualitatively, the subject experienced changes both cognitive, affective, and behavior. It can be concluded that Islamic counseling can increase the subject's self-acceptance.</p> Aindha Vegalaras Katoro Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Sun, 21 Feb 2021 07:53:12 +0000 Academic Buoyancy for New Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>Changes in the education system due to the COVID-19 pandemic are causing challenge and difficulties for students. These things can lead to higher stress levels. Thus, students need academic buoyancy to be able to deal effectively with the ups and downs of daily academic life. This study aims to describe the level of academic buoyancy of freshman. The subjects of this study were 232 college students. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The results of this study are the level of student academic buoyancy in the medium category. Most students have low scores on the composure dimension (low-anxiety). Women have a higher mean in academic buoyancy than men. Most of male students are higher on composure.</p> Afi Faizah Sihotang, Sumedi P. Nugraha Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 05:12:37 +0000 Overcome Stress during the Covid-19 Pandemic by Surah Al-Insyirah: Harmonization between the Koran and Clinical Neuroscience <p>The uncertainty regarding the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) makes people have to carry out various activities from home and stay alert. However, on the other hand, this condition actually creates new problems that trigger mental health issues, one of the most felt is stress during the Covid-19 pandemic. Various day to day stressors keep coming, ranging from anger, disappointment, frustration, fear, boredom, negative stigma, financial problems, to work problems. If this condition persists, it will actually worsen the individual's mental state and allow changes in the body's condition in a negative direction. Therefore, good stress management is needed. The aim of this study is to see the impact of transcribing the Al-Insyirah surah to reduce stress during a pandemic (Covid-19) and its harmony with the clinical neuroscience approach. The method in this research is literature review. The findings of this study indicate that the Al-Insyirah surah is a definite parable to describe the problems faced by humans and also comprehensively explains the steps to deal with stress through three stages, namely, positive thinking, positive act, and positive expectation which also have an impact. on brain growth, as well as the formation and strengthening of new synapses in the prefrontal cortex (PFC).</p> Achamad Sholeh, Qurotul Uyun Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 07:05:20 +0000 Improving the Ability of Teachers to Assist Students Positively in Kediri Regency <p>The role of teachers in schools for the development of students who are at the stage of adolescent development is very important. This is because school is the second environment after the family where students grow as individuals. Teens to be able to develop positively need direction and guidance. Teachers in schools are important figures for students as sources of information, knowledge and behavior models. In the context of developing adolescents positively, unfortunately the teacher still does not have the ability as a companion. This activity aims to improve the ability of teachers to assist students by providing teachers with knowledge and abilities to develop students with the principles of positive youth development which consists of the following abilities: competence, confidence, relationships with others (connection), character (character) , and a sense of care / concern and sincerity (caring and compassion). This activity will be attended by junior and senior high school teachers in Kediri Regency. Activity methods are lectures, discussions, and role play.</p> Achmad Chusairi , Ilham Nur Alfian Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 07:33:37 +0000 Youth Positive Capacity Training 5c ​​(Competence, Confidence, Connection, Character, Caring) for Malang Regency Teachers <p>Teachers in schools play an important role as companion students who are in the stage of adolescent development to be able to undergo their development period positively. Positive youth development can be done by providing them with good knowledge and abilities in managing their 5Cs (Competence, Confidence, Connection, Character, Caring). The understanding and ability of teachers in assisting students to direct student development in a positive manner is important because students are in school every day for eight hours. A total of 59 junior high school teachers in Malang Regency were given material on positive youth development. Pre and post-tests were given to measure changes in teacher efficacy in assisting the positive development of adolescents. As a result, there was an increase in the average score between the pre-test and post-test. Future studies can consider a longer time interval in providing pre-test and post-test activities.</p> Ilham Nur Alfian , Achmad Chusairi Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 08:30:57 +0000 Preparing for the First Thousand Days of Life, Psychoeducing the Bride-to-Be as an Effort to Prevent Stunting <p>Malnutrition and stunting are health problems in Indonesia that receive serious attention at this time. Malnutrition and stunting occur in almost all parts of Indonesia, including East Java. Various efforts were made to overcome and take prevention, starting from approaches to nutrition, breastfeeding, and others that generally focused on babies, very few paid attention to the health status of the mother, especially the mental health of mothers and prospective mothers. In fact, research has shown that the mental health conditions of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are correlated with several health statuses of mothers and babies, nutrition, and in the long term on the mental, cognitive, and emotional development of infants. One of the efforts made is to prepare for the first thousand days of life from conception. Therefore, knowledge about the first thousand days of life and various related aspects need to be provided to couples who are preparing for marriage so that they can prepare for pregnancy properly. Based on the above problems, the solution offered in this community service program is an educational program to prepare for the first thousand days of life in terms of mental health and parenting. Pre-test and post-test are given to measure the increase in participants' knowledge and understanding of family life, pregnancy and care, as well as the first thousand days of life and health of mother and baby.</p> Endang R Surjaningrum, Tri Kurniati Ambarini, Dian Kartika Amelia Arbi Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 08:51:42 +0000 Psychoeducation to Overcome High School Adolescents’ Anxiety in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The purpose of this activity is for adolescents to get the right information, answer most of their questions, and reduce their anxiety. This community service activity in the form of community intervention is packaged in the form of psychoeducation and discussion on the topic of the Covid-19 pandemic, its effect on psychological conditions, and ways to overcome it aimed at high school aged adolescents. The activity will collaborate with partner schools. The main activity partner is SLTA Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia (SAIM) Surabaya, which is used to using online learning methods. The speakers are medical experts or epidemiologists, health psychologists, and clinical psychologists. The activity was held on September 26, 2020 at 13.00 WIB. The number of participants who attended was 90 people, consisting of 85 students and 5 teachers. Participants came from partner schools, namely SMA Alam Insan Mulia (SAIM) and several high schools in the East Java region</p> Endang R Surjaningrum, Cholichul Hadi, Edi Dwi Riyanto Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:17:38 +0000 The Psychological Dynamics of Coastal Society: Between Personality And Psychological Well-being <p>Indonesia is known as a maritime country, so it is not surprising that so many people live on the coast. This study aims to determine the role of personality on psychological well-being. 105 coastal communities were the subjects in this study. The instruments used were the Big Five Inventory (BFI) and The Ryff Scale Of Psychological Well-Being. Based on the results of data analysis using multiple regression, it was found that personality played a role in the psychological well-being of coastal communities where the direction of the positive relationship was found in agreeableness and neuroticism, while the direction of the negative relationship was found in conscientiousness and openness to experience. Future researchers are expected to consider the role of demography on the psychological well-being of coastal communities.</p> Thoyyibatus Sarirah Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:57:22 +0000 The Dynamics of Marriage Commitment to a Husband whose Wife Becomes TKW in Indramayu Regency <p>The purpose of this qualitative research is to determine the dynamics of commitment to husbands whose wives become TKW in communities in Indramayu Regency. Researchers want to know what factors influence respondents to maintain their marriage to this day. Respondents in this study were two husbands who have the status of playing multiple roles in daily life, as husband as well as wife. Both respondents have been left by their wives to work as TKW for two times in a period of 4-5 years. The design in this study uses a case study approach. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews and observations to collect data. The method used for data analysis in this study uses coding to show an overview of the topics studied and thematically analyzed in order to produce a list of themes, theme models or complex indicators. From the results of this study it is known that two respondents have commitment, principles in marriage, self-control, and have future plans for a long-term marriage. The factors affecting the marriage commitment of the two respondents consisted of trust between spouses, family support, tawakal, and interrelationships between partners.</p> Sri Wahyuningsih, Muhammad Novvaliant Filsuf Tasaufi Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:57:36 +0000 Differences in the Effectiveness of Storytelling Using Role Playing and Hand Puppet Methods to Increase Knowledge of Early Childhood Prosocial Behavior <p>Prosocial behavior in childhood is a predictor of prosocial behavior in the future. when the child has not been able to perform prosocial behavior, this can lead to some behavior that is not in accordance with social expectations. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of storytelling using role playing methods and hand puppets in increasing the knowledge of early childhood prosocial behavior. This study used a quasi experimental method involving 34 subjects. The instrument used was a pro-social measurement tool for early childhood in the form of 8 series of picture cards related to the aspects of knowledge of prosocial behavior. There are 3 research hypotheses, each storytelling method, namely role playing and hand puppets, is effective in increasing knowledge of prosocial behavior in early childhood and there are differences in the effectiveness of storytelling using role playing methods and hand puppets to increase knowledge of early childhood prosocial behavior. The results of the paired sample T-test show that storytelling uses the effective role-playing method and storytelling using the hand puppet method is effective in increasing knowledge of early childhood prosocial behavior. The results of the independent sample T-test showed that there was no difference in the effectiveness of storytelling using role playing methods and hand puppets in increasing the knowledge of early childhood prosocial behavior.</p> Rizka Azaria Usa Lizhardy Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:57:55 +0000 Resilience of Persons with Impairment Non congenital at Budi Perkasa Palembang Social and Physical Rehabilitation Center <p>An individual who has physical / bodily disabilities can experience obstacles in various activities. Psychologically, individuals who experience non-congenital disabilities (due to accidents, etc.) can cause psychological problems such as stress, insecurity, anger, disappointment and even depression. However, different things are shown by some people who initially experience psychological problems, but over time, can "reconcile", adapt and even rise from their adversity (resilience). This study aims to determine the process and meaning of resilience for people with non-congenital disabilities at the Budi Perkasa Social and Physical Rehabilitation Center in Palembang City (BRSPDF). The method used in this research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The subjects in this study were 3 people. The data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the three subjects had achieved resilience through several stages, namely, first, trust; Subjects have trust in the environment around them so that they feel loved. Second, Autonomy; that is, the subjects respect themselves. Third, Initiative; e, the subject remains calm and optimistic. Fourth, Industry; The subject has acquired the skills provided by the BRSPDF so that the subject is independent. Fifth, Identity; The subject understands himself because he gets motivation both from within and from his social environment so that the subject has various positive experiences and can manage himself well. The meaning of resilience for people with non-congenital disabilities is "grateful" for what they have because God still gives them the opportunity to live and the opportunity to improve themselves to become better individuals.</p> Miftahul Janna, Lukmawati Lukmawati Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:58:10 +0000 Muthmainnah's Personality Relationship and Work Engagement on Muslim Employees <p>Engaged employees will deliver positive behaviors at work. However, level of work engagement among Indonesian employees still paints unfavorable result. The present study investigated Moslem employees’ work engagement and its corelation to Muthmainnah personality. Work engagement is positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Muthmainnah personality is a type of personality that is calm, grow commendable nature, and leave bad nature. By using accidental sampling, participants were 147 male and female employees who were varied in age, job position, employment status, tenure, educational background, and work location. Data was gathered by using two measures: Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and Islamic personality scale. Data was analyzed by using Pearson correlation with the help of JASP. Muthmainnah personality is found to relate positively with work engagement (r&nbsp; = .416; p &lt; .001). Muthmainnah personality as one of Islamic personality types can be considered in exploring antecedent of work engagement. This study strengthens the important role of Islamic psychology in developing industrial and organizational psychology.</p> Endro Puspo Wiroko Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:58:26 +0000 Tawakal and Academic Stress on Students Following Online Lectures <p>The outbreak Covid-19 has brought about various changes in various sectors of life, one of which is the realm of education. Government policies in implementing distance learning (online) have had various impacts on academicians. One of the negative impacts oflearning online is the emergence of academic stress for students. Therefore, researchers are interested in finding out whether there is a relationship between academic stress and increasing the quality of tawakkal to Allah. This study aims to determine the effect of tawakal on academic stress in students from an Islamic perspective. Based on the researcher's understanding of the existing theory, the researcher proposes a hypothesis that tawakal has a negative relationship with academic stress in students. This study used a quantitative method involving 106 undergraduate students in one of the Islamic tertiary institutions in Yogyakarta. The selection of subjects was determined using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection tool in the form of a tawakal scale compiled by Rosita (2018) based on the aspects developed by Al-Jauziyah using items that are favorable and unfavorable and contain 5 alternative answers. While the academic stress scale was developed by Wulandari (2014) using aspects compiled by Sarafino and Smith. Based on the results of the analysis of the correlation test Spearman's Rho, the correlation coefficient obtained (r) = -0.083 with a significance value of 0.399 (p &gt; 0.05) was. This shows that there is no significant relationship between tawakal and academic stress on students of the Islamic University of Indonesia</p> Fadhila Mutiara Refri, Nelvia Syafitri, Suzanna Alvia Putri, Fuad Nashori Copyright (c) 2021 Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Tue, 09 Mar 2021 08:55:08 +0000