Multiliteracy In Literature

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Ermawati Zulikhatin


Multiliteracy is the ability to use various ways to express and understand ideas and information by using forms of conventional and innovative text, symbols and multimedia. Multiliteracy according to the New London Group (1996) is a pedagogy of multilateral that accepts and encourages a variety of perspectives, tools, and the perspective of linguistic, cultural, communicative, and technology, then used as a tool in preparing better toward the rapidly changing global world. In addition, it can also be used to continue to help someone have a possible opportunity in creating new life and also contribute to their communities in their future. Multiliteracy related to multimodal because a lot of fashion is encouraged for use in a variety of forms of expression. In addition, a wide range of technology and communication channels enables a variety of modes to use in expressing themselves.


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Zulikhatin, E. (2021). Multiliteracy In Literature. Umsida Press, 1-29.
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