FUN SPEAKING The Cutting Edge of Learning Public Speaking

  • Dian Rahma Santoso Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo


All praises belong to only Allah the Almighty who has given us the grace and blessing so that the textbook entitled FUN SPEAKING: The Cutting Edge of Learning Public Speaking has been completed. This book is written based on the dissertation project entitled  Digital-Based Teaching Materials to Promote Public  Speaking Skills for Non-English Department Students.This book is developed using the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. It gives students opportunities to expose their communicative competence during the class. The CLT approach is integrated with Toastmasters International (TMI) where students can learn and perform such different performers. Besides, to help the learners understand better, the CLT and TMI are integrated with technology by providing examples through the original videos, which students can scan the QR code to watch the example of the performances. The materials in this book help the students present well-organized speeches. They also encourage the students to lead a meeting, evaluate the speakers, ask others’ opinions, and many other duties. Students can learn and then perform both prepared and impromptu speeches in one meeting of the learning process. In short, students can perform the talk an interaction, a transaction, and as a performance. All the contents of the teaching materials in this book have been validated by professionals and tried out in the Public Administration class. Therefore, this book


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How to Cite
Santoso, D. R. (2025). FUN SPEAKING The Cutting Edge of Learning Public Speaking. Umsida Press, 1 - 98.
Reference Book