Ekonomi Ta’awun: Rekonstruksi Filosofi Ekonomi KH Ahmad Dahlan
"Ekonomi Ta'awun: Rekonstruksi Filosofi Ekonomi KH Ahmad Dahlan" is a book that attempts to reconstruct the economic philosophy of KH Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah, one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia. Although KH Ahmad Dahlan did not articulate his ideas about the economy in written concepts, his movements were based on the teachings of the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, which he dialectized with the empirical conditions of society at his time. This book argues that KH Ahmad Dahlan's footsteps were "shrouded" in the spirit of colonialism, but also showed resistance to economic colonialism, which resulted in the development of a unique form of Islamic economics called Ta'awun Economy. This economy emphasizes the concept of helping and guaranteeing each other in a plural society and covers both macro and microeconomic aspects to create a just and prosperous society blessed by Allah SWT. Through this book, readers can gain insight into KH Ahmad Dahlan's economic philosophy and how it can be applied in modern society.
Rujukan Utama
Al Quranul Karim
Hadits Rasulullah SAW
Rujukan Pendukung
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KRH Hadjid. (2019). Pelajaran Kiai Ahmad Dahlan 7 Falsafah dan 17 Kelompok Ayat Al Quran. Yogyakarta: Suara Muhammadiyah.
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