Measurement Model For Competitive Advantage Of Product

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Rita Ambarwati
Andre Saputro


Praise the presence of Allah SWT for its abundance of grace and grace so that the monograph of COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE MEASUREMENT has been completed. This monograph is the result of research on measuring the competitive advantage of products both in small and medium enterprises and manufacturing in order to increase product competitiveness in the global market. Thank you to all parties who have helped in the completion of this monograph. We realize that there are still deficiencies in this monograph that criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this book are desirable. Hopefully this book can provide benefits for further research and for all those who need it.


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How to Cite
Ambarwati, R., Saputro, A., & Fathurochman. (2021). Measurement Model For Competitive Advantage Of Product. Umsida Press, 1-46.
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