Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology

Psychoeducation to Overcome High School Adolescents’ Anxiety in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic
Psikoedukasi Atasi Kecemasan Remaja SMA Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

Endang R Surjaningrum
Airlangga University, Indonesia
Cholichul Hadi
Airlangga University, Indonesia
Edi Dwi Riyanto
Airlangga University, Indonesia
Published February 22, 2021
  • Pandemic,
  • Covid-19,
  • Adolescent,
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Approach


The purpose of this activity is for adolescents to get the right information, answer most of their questions, and reduce their anxiety. This community service activity in the form of community intervention is packaged in the form of psychoeducation and discussion on the topic of the Covid-19 pandemic, its effect on psychological conditions, and ways to overcome it aimed at high school aged adolescents. The activity will collaborate with partner schools. The main activity partner is SLTA Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia (SAIM) Surabaya, which is used to using online learning methods. The speakers are medical experts or epidemiologists, health psychologists, and clinical psychologists. The activity was held on September 26, 2020 at 13.00 WIB. The number of participants who attended was 90 people, consisting of 85 students and 5 teachers. Participants came from partner schools, namely SMA Alam Insan Mulia (SAIM) and several high schools in the East Java region


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