Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology

Preparing for the First Thousand Days of Life, Psychoeducing the Bride-to-Be as an Effort to Prevent Stunting
Menyiapkan Seribu Hari Pertama Kehidupan, Psikoedukasi Pada Calon Pengantin Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting

Endang R Surjaningrum
Airlangga University, Indonesia
Tri Kurniati Ambarini
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Dian Kartika Amelia Arbi
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Published February 22, 2021
  • Stunting,
  • Seribu Hari Pertama Kehidupan,
  • Kesehatan Mental Ibu,
  • Calon Pengantin


Malnutrition and stunting are health problems in Indonesia that receive serious attention at this time. Malnutrition and stunting occur in almost all parts of Indonesia, including East Java. Various efforts were made to overcome and take prevention, starting from approaches to nutrition, breastfeeding, and others that generally focused on babies, very few paid attention to the health status of the mother, especially the mental health of mothers and prospective mothers. In fact, research has shown that the mental health conditions of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are correlated with several health statuses of mothers and babies, nutrition, and in the long term on the mental, cognitive, and emotional development of infants. One of the efforts made is to prepare for the first thousand days of life from conception. Therefore, knowledge about the first thousand days of life and various related aspects need to be provided to couples who are preparing for marriage so that they can prepare for pregnancy properly. Based on the above problems, the solution offered in this community service program is an educational program to prepare for the first thousand days of life in terms of mental health and parenting. Pre-test and post-test are given to measure the increase in participants' knowledge and understanding of family life, pregnancy and care, as well as the first thousand days of life and health of mother and baby.


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