- Subjective well-being,
- Working Mother,
- COVID-19
COVID-19 has a huge impact on the well-being of mothers who have to work during the pandemic. This condition makes each individual forced to work from home or with other alternatives to reduce the chain of the spread of COVID-19 and also have to meet all dependents at home. This situation certainly has a psychological impact on a mother, one of which causes a decrease in her psychological well-being. Therefore, the aims of this article are 1) To describe the subjective well-being of a mother working during a pandemic, 2) To find out the approaches that can be used to increase maternal subjective well-being during a pandemic. Using the literature review technique, it was further explored through PubMed, APA, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect. Articles are selected in the category of original articles, in English and Indonesian with publication in 2020 and research methods by online surveys or other data collection and have subjects on working mothers. Of the 35 articles found, there were 8 articles that met the criteria. The results of the study found that the subjective well-being condition of working mothers has decreased, such as satisfaction in work or family and dilemmas in her role as a mother. Strategies that can be used to increase this are by using stress coping: regulation of emotions, maintaining online communication, limiting thoughts or activities that refer to negative self-assessments and replacing them with positive activities such as sports. This finding is expected to be an alternative solution for subjective well-being on mothers who work during a pandemic.
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