Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology

Relation of Personality and Religiosity with Academic Motivation
Hubungan Kepribadian dan Relijiusitas Dengan Motivasi Akademik

Rizqi Maulida Amalia
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Syariful Syariful
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Faaiza Nabiela
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Annisa Latifa
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Published February 12, 2021
  • Personality,
  • Religiosity,
  • Academic Motivation


This research is in order to find and improve the factors that play a role in improving individual academic motivation. Several factors such as personality and religiosity are associated with academic motivation. This study refers to several literatures, namely, Asghar Hazrati-Viar, et.al (2012), the relationship between personality and academic performance, Abbott (2012) which shows a relationship and parenting style with good student academic achievement. There is a relationship between personality, religiosity, and student academic motivation. This research uses quantitative survey techniques with several measurement scales according to the variables to be measured, personality uses the Myers-Briggs test from Quenk (2009), religiosity with the RRHM scale from Herlina et.al (2016), measurement of academic motivation from Vallerand (1992) . Distribution of questionnaires with online purposive sampling to 47 respondents who are international students (Asia, Middle East, Europe-America). Data analysis with correlation, independent t test. The result of this research is that there is a significant positive relationship between religiosity and student academic motivation with a correlation of 0.687 and there is a significant difference between personality types and student academic motivation. This research is expected to provide results for factors that support student motivation and academic achievement and can be a reference for efforts to improve student achievement in Indonesia and internationally.


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