Managing Business Ecosystems

  • K.H. Abdurakhmanov Plekhanov Russian Economic University
  • Hidayatullah Hidayatullah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Mochammad Tanzil Multazam Member of Council of Asian Science Editor
Keywords: Business Ecosystems, Economic Systems, Digitalization in Business, Technological Innovation


TitleManaging Business Ecosystems

  • Chapter 1: Concept and Essence of Ecosystems in Business
  • Chapter 2: Ecosystem Approach to Organizational Management in the Business Environment
  • Chapter 3: Organizational and Legal Aspects of Business Ecosystem Management
  • Chapter 4: Methodological Support for Ecosystem Management in Modern Business

Editor: K. H. Abdurakhmanov, Hidayatullah, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam

Published by

FSBEI HE "Plekhanov Russian Economic University," Moscow, 2024 

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Press, Sidoarjo, 2024


  • ISBN 978-5-7307-2094-7
  • ISBN 978-5-7307-2095-4

Classification Codes:

  • UDC: 330.342.24(075.8)
  • BBK: 65.290-211ya73


The textbook Managing Business Ecosystems, edited by renowned economist K. H. Abdurakhmanov, provides a comprehensive exploration of the theoretical and practical dimensions of managing business ecosystems in the modern era. The book integrates decades of research with innovative ideas and an accessible presentation style, making it suitable for a wide range of readers, including students, postgraduates, lecturers, and anyone with an interest in economic ecosystems.

Core Focus:

The chapters cover various key topics related to business ecosystems, starting with the theoretical foundations of ecosystem formation and development, and advancing toward methodological support for managing ecosystems in contemporary business contexts. It also examines the evolution of business models, emphasizing how the digital revolution has influenced the transformation of business ecosystems globally.

Unique Features:

  • The textbook highlights the contribution of domestic (Russian) scholars to the development of the ecosystem approach to organizational management.
  • It provides detailed methodologies and algorithms for managing business ecosystems effectively in various industries.
  • Special attention is given to the ways in which digitization reshapes business ecosystems and influences the broader transformation of enterprises.

Target Audience:

This textbook is primarily aimed at students in economic specialtiespostgraduates, and lecturers. However, it also appeals to a wider audience of business professionalsresearchers, and managers interested in understanding the development and management of business ecosystems.

Editorial Board:

  • Chairman: Prof. K. H. Abdurakhmanov, Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Deputy Chairmen:
    • Prof. М. N. Kulapov, Doctor of Economic Sciences
    • Prof. Н. M. Fomenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Vice-Chairmen:
    • Prof. N. M. Fomenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences
    • Prof. Е. С. Petrenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences


  • Prof. T. O. Tolstyh, Doctor of Economic Sciences (FSAEI HE «NUST "MISiS"»)
  • Prof. I. G. Ershova, Doctor of Economic Sciences (FSBEI HE «SWSU»)


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How to Cite
Abdurakhmanov, K., Hidayatullah, H., & Multazam, M. T. (2024). Managing Business Ecosystems. Umsida Press, 1-371.
Book Chapter