English for Tourism and Culture

  • Vidya Mandarani Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Dewi Nawang Wulan Sekar Arum
Keywords: Tourism, Culture, English


English for Tourism and Culture book has been developed to meet the specific needs of tourism practitioners. It has been designed with a communication approach focusing on oral communicative activity aligned with the four integrated language skills. It provides several chances for teachers to apply communicative strategies in teaching and learning activities. This English for Tourism and Culture book consists of 12 topics, with materials taken from relevant resources at the student’s level and aligned with the syllabus outline. Each topic covers three stages: presentation, practice, and communication. In the presentation stage, learners are introduced to a new language unit based on its use in a situational context. The practice stage allows teachers to allow students to practice new language items introduced in the previous stage. The communicative activity stage is designed to facilitate student interaction. Upon the completion of this book, the authors would like to express their gratitude to:


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Suryadinata, L., 2024. Cultural Expressions and National
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Indonesian Cultural Heritage Foundation, 2024. Preserving
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Fadillah, R., 2023. Tourism and Local Development in East
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Turner, S. & Ash, J., 2022. Tourism in Asia: Practices,
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Soekanto, R., 2024. Understanding Indonesian Puppetry: An
Introduction to Wayang Kulit. Jakarta: University of
Indonesia Press.
Wardana, A., 2023. The Modernity of Traditional Javanese
Dance. Solo: Sebelas Maret University.
How to Cite
Mandarani, V., & Arum, D. N. W. S. (2024). English for Tourism and Culture. Umsida Press, 1 - 50. Retrieved from https://press.umsida.ac.id/index.php/umsidapress/article/view/1501
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