- Pandemic,
- Parents,
- Childcare
The Covid 19 pandemic has the consequences of changing life in the family. One of them is activities from home, both working (work from home) and learning (learning from home). This study aims to determine how child care for parents who work from home. Using phenomenological qualitative research methods, the informants were targeted to be 16 people spread across several districts / cities in Indonesia with the criteria of working parents and having children. The data collected by using an open questionnaire via google-form is intended to find out how parents manage the work they have to do from home with the task of caring for their children. Through descriptions of various informants' backgrounds, comparisons based on age, domicile and type of work will also be identified. The research is planned for completion on November 20, 2020. The results showed that the influence of the role of parents is very large for child development. One way of caring for children during a pandemic is by creating quality time with children by accompanying children to study at home and also doing things that are liked by children in order to get rid of boredom.
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