- Pandemic,
- Family,
- Social Support
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to changes in life in families and communities. Anxiety engulfs all elements of society, including those infected with the virus or positive for Covid-19. This study aims to find out how social support is for families who are tested positive for Covid-19. Using the phenomenological qualitative research method, the informants in this study were 11 people living in cities / districts in Central Java with the criteria of individuals who themselves or their families had tested positive for Covid-19. Data collection was carried out using an open questionnaire via google-form aimed at finding out how social support is to families who have received a positive Covid-19 verdict. Data analysis using content analysis. The research was completed on November 25, 2020, with the result that social support has an important role in helping strengthen families who have tested positive for Covid-19 in living their days, both morally and materially. In addition, forms of social support obtained from neighbors include emotional support (asking for news, giving encouragement), instrumental support (meeting basic needs, household needs and medicine), information support (disinfecting and closing road portals), and some tend to be indifferent. Meanwhile, forms of social support obtained from colleagues include a supportive attitude not to isolate and keep encouraging, help with administrative needs, provide logistical and financial assistance, and there are also those who have negative opinions regarding Covid-19 which causes hoaxes.
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